How a Massage Chair Can Help You Relieve Stress and Boost Mood

Getting a massage every once in a while can help relieve stress and boost mood. However, not everyone has the time or money to visit a massage therapist regularly.

For those people, a home massage chair is a great solution. These chairs are designed to mimic the movements of a massage therapist and target specific parts of the body.


Using a Massage Chair allows you to relax without the hassle of scheduling an appointment or leaving home. This is especially helpful for people suffering from chronic back pain, neck pain or shoulder pain. Research has shown that massage triggers the secretion of endorphins which reduce cortisol levels and help the body heal.

Most massage chairs use an automatic body scan that adjusts the rollers and width of the massage field for a custom fit. A few of them, including the Brio+, also feature a stretching program that uses kneading and compression techniques to stretch the muscles.

Most massage chairs are optimized for users ranging from 5′ to about 6′. If you are taller than that, the chair might not provide a good experience for you because the rollers or airbags will hit the wrong spots. Some of the best massage chairs for taller people are designed with extendable ottomans that hide the leg massage ports when not in use, so the chair looks like a regular piece of furniture.


While getting a massage in person can be very rewarding it’s not always convenient. Having your own home massage chair allows you to kick back and relax without having to schedule an appointment or deal with traffic.

Besides relaxing your body and mind, massages help with mental clarity and boost energy. This is especially important for people who work in high-stress jobs where they may be prone to mental health issues like anxiety and depression.

A massage chair can also improve your blood circulation which will help your body get more oxygen which helps with the healing process and overall vitality. However, it’s best to use your massage chair for short intervals of about fifteen minutes as prolonged sitting in a massage chair can irritate your muscles and worsen any pre-existing injuries. Many massage chairs have built-in timers to prevent this from happening. They also have programs that shut off after a certain amount of time to avoid overusing the chair.


If you have the money to spend, a massage chair with multiple motors will allow you to customize your experience. Each individual motor provides different levels of intensity, and the more motors, the stronger the massage.

Some chairs also offer a wide range of massage techniques, so you can choose the type that suits your needs best. For example, if you have back pain, a rolling massage may help to stretch and elongate the muscles. A tapping massage could stimulate blood flow and relieve tension, while a shiatsu massage would focus on the pressure points.

Another customization option is to use the chair’s facial recognition technology to login to your personal profile and save custom programs. For instance, the Inada ROBO massage chair with Facial Recognition allows users to calibrate the machine to their physique and choose a massage technique before starting a session. It will then automatically save these preferences for future sessions. Moreover, it can adjust its leg-rest and foot massager according to the length of your legs.


Many massage chair use techniques and features that promote the release of neurotransmitters that fight mental and emotional stress. This can help you sleep better without the need for a sleeping pill and also combat chronic pain.

Most massage chairs are electrically powered and should be plugged into an RCD protected socket to reduce the risk of electrocution and fires. It’s important that you read the user manual and familiarize yourself with the chair’s settings before using it. It is also crucial that an adult supervises children or individuals with intellectual and physical disabilities when using a massage chair.

Some people are contraindicated for massage chairs, but most can enjoy them safely. Those with pre-existing medical conditions should consult their doctor to ensure that the chair’s settings are safe for them. Pregnant women should be cautious of high-heat settings as they can cause excessive swelling or even a miscarriage. They should also avoid draping blankets or pillows over the massage chair as this can raise the body’s temperature and cause discomfort or skin burns.

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How a Massage Chair Can Help You Relieve Stress and Boost Mood